Sports Rehabilitation - Resolve and Perform

Pain free and injury free are two different things

Injury recovery isn't a simple matter of being pain free and getting ready to play again. Typically this approach leads to a reoccurrence of pain and issue.

The journey from injury to return to play is unique to each injury you are faced with. We need to find the right combination of strengthening, mobility and sports specific rehab to ensure you are ready to get started!

Our team of Sports Therapists are on hand to make sure you are prepared physically and mentally to get back into action at just the right time.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, 

but expecting different results"

What is Sports Therapy?

Our team of Sports Therapists on on hand to help with a range of issues. They are trained to a degree level and have over 500 hrs of clinical placement prior to completing university.

They are trained to offer a full pathway of support:


A detailed case history, clinical tests and performance based assessment


Using a combination of hands on treatment, joint mobilisation, soft tissue techniques, taping methods and assisted stretching


Using exercise and rehabilitation methods to return you to full function whilst pain free


Implement training and rehabilitation programmes to reduce the risk of any further injury


Reviewing and improving how your body moves and functions to ensure your are at the best you can be

There is no such thing as prevention!

Despite what we have been told for the last 20 + years, prevention is incredibly hard to prove. No sports or activity is risk free no matter how well trained you are; our job is to reduce the risk of injury. 

Being well prepared is the objective, but if injury does appear quickly identifying the reasons for this issue is paramount. This is where our Sports Therapists come into their own. Knowing what to test and how to reduce the risk of re-injury is what they do everyday in clinic.

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